Arena Rex Forums

What else do y'all play?
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Author:  gorillawizard [ Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What else do y'all play?

I know what you mean Ashur, finding opponents is hard nowadays what with so many different games flying around, back in the day it was just GW.
I also sold off my Sedition wars stuff, first kickstarter i ever did and pretty much the worst tbh, models were cast awefully and rushed.

Author:  Ashur [ Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What else do y'all play?

I only kept one box set for the bases for infinity. I kept the terrain as well.

Finding a large group of players is difficult. I live in a cow town. Most of the gamers in my area decided to pick up this new hobby called "starting a family".

I don't know to much about this trendy new hobby, but between working 50 to 60 hrs. a week and wargaming, it sounds way too time consuming at the moment. :P

ps Sedition Wars did suck, Relic Knights will too. :?

Author:  Wishing [ Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What else do y'all play?

I thought it might be fun to resurrect this ancient thread. :)

It makes sense to me that since AR is an alternative/niche miniature combat game, people who play it most likely also play other alternative miniature combat games.

I mean "alternative" in terms of "not games workshop". I'm sure many of us have played GW games in the past, and then moved on to other games... like Warmachine, Malifaux, Flames of War, Bolt Action, Infinity, Dropzone Commander, and so on. Games played with hobby miniatures like AR is.

Personally, my favourite other miniature game is Dungeonbowl, i.e. Blood Bowl played in a dungeon. I even made a fan website for it at

I also really like Warmachine, or more specifically Hordes. Really cool design for these games I think.

Other than that, I mainly still dabble a bit in GW models and boardgames, I hope to get the Gorechosen boardgame for christmas for example. :)

Author:  RidiQles [ Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What else do y'all play?

Infinity is what got me into the miniatures world... I played board games that had miniatures before, but that was my first miniatures game. They pulled that "you only need a handful of models" line on me and I bought it. That was about a year ago... now I literally have 100's of Infinity miniatures. Still love the game, just don't have the time for it.
More recently (past couple of months) I have gotten into Guild Ball. The game seems to have taken over in my local area... and has actually been drawing players away from AR a bit as time seems to be limited. I still manage to make time for both as I think the two play well side by side.

Author:  AllDeadDave [ Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What else do y'all play?

Started tabletop a couple of decades ago with 40K, Epic, Man Of War and Bloodbowl.

Currently playing Marvel Universe Miniatures Game (or the DC version of the same), Guildball, X-wing Miniatures Game, and a fair few board games.

Was drawn into Arena Rex with the Kickstarter. I had been enjoying skirmish games, but the one I was playing at the time was getting out of hand (Warmachine). I've always liked Roman history, so I thought it might be a good buy.

Author:  Wishing [ Thu Dec 22, 2016 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What else do y'all play?

Yeah, Guild Ball seems quite popular these days, and that was another kickstarter right? I guess all smaller miniature games are kickstarters nowadays.

From looking casually at their website, GB looks a bit like a cross between Malifaux (style) and Blood Bowl (sport). I'm sure it's a lot of fun, but I'm not sure it's for me.

Some new friends of mine are really into Malifaux, so I bought the two starter packs for it I found most appealing, because I love pretty miniatures. But I thought the rules were very clunky and old school, and AR just appeals so much more.

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