Arena Rex Forums

Why do the dice have numbers?
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Author:  RidiQles [ Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Why do the dice have numbers?

New to the game. Enjoying it immensely, though. I was just wondering if there was a particular reason that the dice had numbers rather than just three success markers on them. It seems all characters have a 50% hit rate and I didn't see any skills that add or subtract from your die roll. Are there any plans to add such skills or something?
Just asking because I am considering making custom dice for my cohort.


Author:  zreef [ Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do the dice have numbers?

I think its more because this way you can more easily use standard ol D6s? Who knows, there might be abilities in the future that allow you to modify die rolls, but right now I do not believe any of the released gladiators have such an ability.

Author:  Wishing [ Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do the dice have numbers?

Good question. I think zreef has the right answers - that it's easier on players to use normal dice that everyone has already, and that having numbers opens up for potential future abilities where the numbers matter.

There is an argument to be made that it could be simpler/more fun to have special dice without numbers though.

The combat rules remind me a lot of the World of Darkness rules, where you roll D10s for successes in the same way as in Arena Rex, and you score a success on a roll of 8 or more. Their official WoD dice have the 1-7 marked with dark, and the 8-10 marked with white, so it is easy to tell which dice rolled a succes.

They do have some rules for rolling a 1 or a 10 in those rules, but it's true that the exact number you roll doesn't matter in a sequential sense. Both games could totally be like Blood Bowl, and have their own special dice that have symbols instead of numbers.

So Arena Rex combat dice could be D6s with three sides that say "Fail" and three sides that say "Success". Then the special favour dice could have three sides that say "Fail" and three sides that say "Double Success".

Nice idea to ponder for a potential future edition. (Blood Bowl didn't introduce its special block dice until its 3rd edition.)

Author:  RidiQles [ Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do the dice have numbers?

OK. I could see the reasoning behind allowing players to just use their regular ol' d6... but when they made the AR Favor Dice and Faction Dice it would have been nice to have them just have a success symbol (or two of them for favors) on 3 sides.
I did just watch the Team Covenant video that mentioned the Greek faction having a luck/fortune manipulation skill... maybe numbers will be useful then.
Anywho... just thoughts.

(I tried looking online for some other game that already had dice like that to see if I could score a few... not as easy to find as I expected)

Author:  RRG_walker [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why do the dice have numbers?

Primary reasons were so that A.) They were familiar and B.) anyone who just likes the dice can pick them up. That decision was Pre-Hellenic -- we aren't that oracular. ;)

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