Arena Rex Forums

Issues with clear turns and wild attacks / tactics
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Author:  Wishing [ Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with clear turns and wild attacks / tactics

OK, so we (some people anyway) are basically proposing, as an alternative to the current "free choice" rules, that clear turns should run chronologically something like this:

1. Clear fatigue.
2. Unmounted riders have the option of mounting their beasts.*
3. Beasts make wild attacks.
4. Mounted riders have the option of dismounting from their beasts.*
5. Use tactics.
6. Activate LMS.

* I certainly feel like beasts and riders should be able to work together relatively harmoniously as much as possible. And that means that the rider has to be able to mount or dismount when it makes sense, i.e. either before or after the beast has made its wild attack as appropriate.

Author:  Reece [ Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with clear turns and wild attacks / tactics

Wishing wrote:
OK, so we (some people anyway) are basically proposing, as an alternative to the current "free choice" rules, that clear turns should run chronologically something like this:

1. Clear fatigue.
2. Unmounted riders have the option of mounting their beasts.*
3. Beasts make wild attacks.
4. Mounted riders have the option of dismounting from their beasts.*
5. Use tactics.
6. Activate LMS.

* I certainly feel like beasts and riders should be able to work together relatively harmoniously as much as possible. And that means that the rider has to be able to mount or dismount when it makes sense, i.e. either before or after the beast has made its wild attack as appropriate.

I agree that *if* we set a hard order, there should be some sort of stipulation for Wild and Mounts. But then it starts to get complicated. If you were forcefully dismounted, you're at least 1" away. Now you need to use the tactic Maneuver to get back in to base contact before you can remount.

So, in order to simplify things, I personally feel the only hard restriction should be on LMS activation being last.

The "shenanigans" with Wild require favor. I feel that's probably enough. Favor is a finite resource as it is.

Author:  Chabbernackle [ Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with clear turns and wild attacks / tactics

I agree with above. Main reason being the rules for wild, mounting, and tactics during a clear turn are already clearly written and they make sense.

Just during LMS the turn sequence should go Clear Phase followed by your standard activation. No mix and matching.

Author:  Wishing [ Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with clear turns and wild attacks / tactics

So basically, rather than saying that a LMS can activate during a clear turn, we could say that the LMS gets a "free" clear turn before each activation that the LMS takes?

Author:  Reece [ Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with clear turns and wild attacks / tactics

Yeah, or saying you can make an activation at the end of/after the clear turn. Either works.

The problem is the wording of "during" the clear turn.

Author:  RRG_walker [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with clear turns and wild attacks / tactics

We'll be updating the rules doc with some tweaks on the Ides (so if you have any other issues.

Wild attacks and other activities during the clear turn will still have flexible timing (it was always intended that if you had/were willing to spend the favor you could use maneuver to avoid a wild attack at one of your own gladiators, for example).

According to the current wording, last man standing is no-holds-barred in terms of timing. The wording for last man standing will change to "...the remaining model removes all fatigue, and may activate at the end of the clear turn." This restricts the clear turn tothe first portion of the turn, which should mitigate some of the order of operations issues.

Author:  RidiQles [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with clear turns and wild attacks / tactics

Excellent. I think that should solve about everything.
Thank you.

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